PUMAR-1 PUDŁO SPÓŁKA JAWNA is implementing the project subsidized by the European Funds “PUMAR-1: INSTALACJA FOTOWOLTAICZNA”.
The main objective of the project is the production of solar electricity by the PUMAR-1 PUDŁO S.J. company. The indirect objectives are: – reduction of electricity consumption from non-renewable energy sources – reduction of greenhouse gas emissions – reduction of electricity costs – increase of energy efficiency of the company, – increase of ecological awareness of employees, customers of the company and residents, stimulation of the development of modern technologies for obtaining energy from renewable sources.
The subject of the project is the construction of 3 photovoltaic installations, located on buildings in Ryki and Dęblin with a total capacity of 101.32 kWp, which will produce “clean” electricity for the company’s own needs, and the surplus energy will be discharged into the existing power grid. The photovoltaic installation is ‘zero-emission’.
EU funding for the project: PLN 204,123.58